Do you have a collection of lapel pins? If not, you’re missing out on a fun and rewarding hobby! In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about collecting lapel pins. We’ll cover the different types of pins, how to display them, how to store them, the value of pins, and tips for new collectors. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been collecting pins for years, this guide has something for everyone!
What are Lapel Pins?
Lapel pins are small decorative items that people wear on their clothing. They can be worn to show support for a cause or organization and express personal interests. In addition to being fashionable accessories that make an outfit pop with color, they’re also collectible! There is no limit on how many different types of pins you can own – so don’t feel bad if your collection grows out of control! You might even want to start trading them with other collectors who have similar tastes in style as yours. (It’s fun!)
The history behind lapel pin collecting
The history behind lapel pin collecting dates back thousands of years ago when the ancient used bronze and silver to create ornamental designs for their clothing. In the 19th century, these pins evolved into badges that were given out by military units such as police officers or firefighters who wanted recognition for doing good deeds during wartime. During World War II, soldiers wore them on their uniforms as well! These days it seems like every organization has lapel pins from Girl Scouts selling cookies door-to-door at Halloween time to Boy Scout troops raising money with car washes in summer months. Even if you’re not affiliated with any particular company or club – there’s no reason why anyone can’t wear one proudly showing off what they care about most!

The different types of pins and how to collect them
There are many different types of pin collectors and each person will have his own style when it comes to choosing which ones they want to wear. For example, some people prefer metal pins while others like plastic (PVC) ones because they’re lighter weight among some other reasons. A lot of collectors also enjoy wearing custom-made lapel badges such as those made out of wood or acrylic glass so that no one else has them!
The type you choose depends on personal preference but there are a few things worth noting before making any purchases – firstly, if it’s going to be worn regularly then make sure it’s durable enough not looking old after repeated use over time; secondly consider what image represents best who you are as an individual since this will determine whether someone wants one themselves (or even knows about its existence).
Some common pin designs include sports teams logos, military insignia, political affiliations and many more! At Sienna Pacific we offer a variety of custom lapel pins at wholesale prices, here you have some options:
How to display Enamel Pins
The best way to display your collection of pins is with a pin board. This type of display has been used for years by collectors all over the world because they’re easy on both eyesight and wallet.
You can find them at craft stores or online if you don’t have one already – just make sure there’s enough space between each item so that everything doesn’t get cluttered up together when looking through it later down the track!
Pin boards come in different sizes too which means they’re suitable regardless whether you’ve got few items only (e.g., five) or hundreds upon hundreds which would warrant buying bigger ones like those made specifically for holding badges from police departments across America such as this one
If you’re not keen on the idea of having a physical board to display your pins, there are other alternatives. One popular way is by using photo frames to create a digital album or even making a pin wall out of corkboard and tacks! Whichever route you choose, just make sure everything is in good condition and easy to spot so you can enjoy your collection as much as possible.
The value of pins and how to trade them
Just like anything else in life, lapel pins have value – whether it be sentimental (like most things we keep close to our hearts), functional (such as money) or rare (think about diamonds). As more and more people become interested in collecting them, the prices for some pins will continue to go up especially if they’re no longer in circulation or the design is no longer being made.
That’s why it’s important to do your research before making any purchases and know what you might be able to sell them for down the track if needed (or vice versa). For example, there are pins that can go for a few hundred dollars while others might only be worth a dollar or two. It all depends on rarity, condition and demand!
If trading with other collectors isn’t your thing, then selling lapel pins through online auction sites is another option. Just make sure you’ve got good pictures of each one (including the back) so buyers can get an idea of what they’re bidding on and always use a grading system to rate their condition from poor to excellent.
Tips for new collectors
As a new collector, there are a few things to keep in mind when starting out:
– Don’t spend too much money on pins you might not even like or wear later on
– Join online communities and forums where people trade pins with each other – this is a great way to get your hands on some rarer ones without having to pay a fortune!
– If you’re not sure about the value of a particular pin, ask around or do some research before buying it (or selling it)
Collecting lapel pins can be an enjoyable experience for anyone who’s interested in history, design or simply wants something unique to show off their personality. And unlike other types of collections, there’s a pin for everyone! So get started today and who knows – maybe you’ll be the one sharing your tips with others in the near future.
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