It’s possible for small business owners to successfully brand their business even on a shoestring budget. If you’re a clothing designer or crafter, one very simple way to do so is to use custom labels.
Custom clothing labels, with the name of your company and logo printed on them will not only help you build your brand but will make you appear more professional.
How affect clothing labels to consumer behavior?
A customer that has previously made a purchase from you is likely to do so again (granted they were happy with the initial purchase), if they can recall who you are and what they originally purchased from you. Customized clothing labels will keep your name in your consumer’s mind, increasing the likelihood that they make a second (third, fourth, etc.) purchase from you.
For example, moms and dads love buying cute-looking clothes and accessories for their children. If you’re a kid’s clothing designer, you can increase the chances of them making purchases from you now and in the future by investing in custom labels. Professional woven labels will give your clothing and accessories extra appeal.
After doing the hard work necessary to secure a customer’s business the first time around, make things easier on yourself by attaching custom made labels to your creations and letting them to continue advertising for you.
A cost effective marketing alternative
Companies invest a lot of time and money in order to brand themselves. This is because, in general, consumers prefer to purchase products and services from people and companies that they are familiar with. Branding breeds familiarity and can be accomplished in a number of ways.
Though large corporations spend millions of dollars on marketing campaigns in order to familiarize their brand with prospective consumers, it isn’t necessary for everyone to do so. Independent business persons like yourself, likely don’t have an advertising budget comparable to larger corporations. However, there are still things that you can do to help reinforce your name, brand and products into both prospective and past customers’ minds. Labeling is one of the most effective and affordable.
Let’s sign your masterpieces!
If you are a clothing manufacturer or accessories designer or if your niche is handmade products or crafts, consider investing in custom clothing labels. Doing so will be a good use of the advertising/marketing monies you do have. Woven labels are a popular option and are good for clothing and soft accessories. It’s also possible to incorporate some really cool designs and logos with woven labels, which further makes them a good choice.
By investing in custom made clothing labels with your company’s name and logo, you will keep your business fresh in the mind of your buyers. Labels continue to advertise for you, long after the original purchase. Proper branding can go a long way in helping you build your business. Always keep this in mind and make advertising decisions accordingly.
5 simple steps for building a clothing brand
If you are an entrepreneur who want to start your own clothing line you might have read a couple of articles on the web about the subject looking for some advice. We have been though that too!
However, we noticed the most popular writtings about the matter often forget to add this fundamental step in their “how to start your fashion brand” guides. Thus, we thought it will be useful for you to have a simplified version of this step by step manufacturing process.
Here you have the final guide for building your clothing business in 5 super easy steps!
Step 1. Choose a proper marketing niche
Before comming up with an idea for a succesful business idea just because… better scan the market! Hear at what others need, think in what is lacking, what can be improved in order to solve a problem in a more efficient, practical, elegant or beautiful way. Then do a little research about your target audience, Who are they? How old are they? Make a target persona profile if possible for each type of potential customers you be addressing to. Afterwards, you will be prepared for phase 2 in which you will be testing and validating your business model.
Step 2. Test your products/brand (in short)
Agil marketing teach us to be wise. Do not assume you already know your target audience without making several tests before. Luckely, nowadays you can do this offline and online.
For instance, let’s say you are a fashion designer wanting to start a clothing company on a tight budget. If you start by renting a store in downtown you can run out of money pretty fast. Better start by openning an instagram or other social media account and showing your designs to your followers. Show them also to your family, friends and acquaintances first, in private if possible. Listen at their critics without discouraging. Normally a reasonable bad review can help you more than a good one. Try to close some sales or take a bunch of orders before thinking in step 3. Prior to ordering your proffesional made clothing tags (which minimum quantity is 100 pieces) you can do them yourself, this way you will be able to recognize if your logo, name, text and colors match your products and how do they look overall.
Step 3. Identify your products with custom brand labels
Once having tested your products with your target audience, it might be time for ordering your proffesionally made independent clothing labels. You can do this by contacting an oversees agent on your own risk or by contacting a reliable custom clothes brand tags provider like us. With more than 15 years pleasing the needs of hundreds of entrepreneurs in the US Sienna Pacific is a great, reliable choice.
Step 4. Price your products
How much should your designs cost to the general public? This is another fundamental question you have to answer. The price should at least be enough to cover your production cost. Nevertheless, a bit of research will be necesarry here. After defining your pricing compare them with the ones of your competitors.
Step 5. Scale your business
Now that you are already selling, you can start growing. But don’t go so fast! Hold your horses! Scale your business one step at a time. Before opening your store try to sell your designs on other stores, and once you’ve made a name, once you have a solid brand, having built your brand awareness, promoting your logo or name at radio stations, local tv programs, using facebook, youtube and google ads advertisement, only then you will be prepared to skip to the next level.